Every year, up to 390 international and national conventions and rneetings are held in Vienna. With its arnbiance of art and enjoyment, the city on the Danube is also a popular incentive destination.

As a former imperial city with a modern fiair, Vienna offers an excellent setting for rneetings, optirnally cornbining art and enjoyrnent. The approximately 240,000 convention participants who visit this Central European capital appreciate this arnbiance: in all, they spend alrnost 800,000 overnights per year in Viennese hotels.

Conference organizers are also delighted with Vienna as a congress city. Not only does it boast three "classic" congress Centers, the Imperial Palace, the Austria Center Vienna, and the Vienna Exhibiton Center- it also offers rnore than 100 additional rneeting locations such as rnodem hotels, venerable rnansions and university institutes, all of which ensure successful rneetings.

With its successful blend of imperial tradition and conternporaty creativity, the Austrian capital has established itself as a rnajor player in the global tourism market. Vienna is also one of the rnost popular cities in the world as an international conference destination.

Serious rnusic lovers have long considered Vienna to be just this side of paradise: one encounters rnusic everywhere, frorn the sounds of a child practicing a Mozart piano Sonata through an Open window to street musicians playing classical as well as folk rnusic. There are also rnany places associated with farnous rnusicians, such as their birthplaces and residentes, rnonurnents, tornbs and burial sites - and, of Course, the rnany places where their rnusic was (and still is) perforrned: concert halls, the Vienna State Opera, the Volksoper, Theater an der Wien and rnany other venues.

A profusion of the arts is just one of the tradernarks of the Austrian capital. There is also a strong sense of enjoyrnent and lifestyle. And, last but not least, a love of shopping - a Vienna experience that will not fail to delight. You will find designer Stores, shopping ternples and trendy pubs and restaurants right next door to traditional shops where purveyors to the imperial court once served the emperor personally.